Document Details
Document Type |
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Thesis |
Document Title |
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Treatment of Seafood Industrial Wastewater coupled with Electricity Production using Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) معالجة مياة الصرف الصناعي للمأكولات البحرية وانتاج الطاقة الكهربائية بإستخدام معزولات خلايا الوقود الميكروبية |
Subject |
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Faculty of Marine Sciences |
Document Language |
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Arabic |
Abstract |
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Microorganisms capable of transmitting electrons externally to the electrode are called as exoelectrogens and are the essential component for power production in MFC (Microbial Fuel Cells). They are also known as electrochemically active bacteria, anode respiring bacteria or electricigens. Electricity generation in MFC is governed by various important aspects such as MFC design and configuration, characteristics, nature and surface area of electrodes, membranes, electrolytes, nature of inoculums, operating conditions such as loading rate, pH, temperature and retention time. Numerous studies have examined power production from complex wastewaters employing MFC. The present study focused on investigation of sea food processing industrial wastewater treatment with corresponding power generation under saline condition. Industrial wastewater was obtained from the sea food processing industry with a salinity of 40 g/L (4%) of NaCl concentration. Air cathode Microbial Fuel Cells (ACMFC) equipped with platinum coated carbon cloth and carbon brush was employed in the treatment and power production. The reactor was operated at different organic load (OL) such as 0.5, 1, 1.25 and 1.5 gCOD/L under saline condition. The results recorded Total Chemical Oxygen Demand (TCOD) removal of 54%, 83%, 88% and 70% to the corresponding OL of 0.5, 1, 1.25 and 1.5 gCOD/L under saline condition. Soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) removal efficiency varied in the range of 44 - 74% at OL of 0.5 – 1.25 gCOD/L. Further increase in OL to 1.5 revealed decrease in SCOD removal to 61% under saline condition. The voltage production of ACMFC at OL of 0.5 gCOD/L was recorded as 811 mV, with power density of 420 mW/m2. A subsequence increases in OL to 1.0 gCOD/L increased the power density and was observed to be 530 mW/m2. The maximum power density of 550 mW/m2 and the corresponding voltage of 1150 mV was procured at the OL of 1.25 gCOD/L (external resistance of 600Ω). At higher OL of 1.5 gCOD/L, the power density of the MFC dropped to 250 mW/m2. The maximum coulombic efficiency (CE) of 47% was obtained at the OL of 0.5 gCOD/L.). At low OL, utilization of substrate for methane production was reduced, hence coulombic efficiency increased. The coulombic efficiency dropped to 22% at OL 1.25 gCOD/L, which achieved highest power density. CE further dropped to 13% at OL 1.5 gCOD/L. Total suspended solid removal was 75% at OL of 1.25 gCOD/L and 58% at OL 1.5 gCOD/L. Thus, the study confirmed 1.25 gCOD/L was the optimized OL for efficient industrial wastewater treatment and power production. The results of bacterial community analysis from the anode region and sludge region of the ACMFC revealed the presence of archea and bacterial group strains. The Archae present in the anode and sludge such as Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus exaquare, Candidatus Nitrosotenuis aquarius, Methanobrevibacter smithii, Methanosaeta sp. potentially initiated the COD removal and power production under saline condition. Bacterial community analysis for anode region samples for OL 0.5 and 1 gCOD/L was highly dominated by Bacillus with 75.8% and 55.8% respectively. Interestingly at 1.25 gCOD/L OL, the anode film was dominated by Rhodococcus (42.3%) revealed high power production under saline condition. Microbacterium was the third dominant bacterial strain present in anode region samples obtained at OL 1 and 1.25 gCOD/L. Sludge samples subjected to phylogenetic analysis explored the dominance of Clostridium, Turicibacter and Romboutsia at OL 0.5 and 1 gCOD/L. Bacterial community results at 1.25 gCOD/L of OL sludge samples revealed completely different strains of dominancy in the community. Marinobacter (53.3%), Gelidibacter (19.3%), Bacillus (18.1%) was the dominant strains present at OL of 1.25 gCOD/L. Thus, the phylogenetic analysis of the anodic and sludge samples clearly detailed the presence of extremophilic (halophilic) bacterial strains with high potential to treat sea food processing industrial wastewater and excellent exoelectrogenic activity for power production in ACMFC under saline condition. |
Supervisor |
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Dr. Mamdoh T. Jamal |
Thesis Type |
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Master Thesis |
Publishing Year |
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1440 AH
2019 AD |
Co-Supervisor |
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Dr. Arulazhagan Pugazhendi |
Added Date |
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Tuesday, July 2, 2019 |
أفنان عيد المطيري | AlMutairi, Afnan Eid | Researcher | Master | |
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